Blizzard Developing First-Person Game with Driveable Vehicles

Blizzard is currently working on an unannounced, online, first-person game. According a to a new job listing the upcoming game seems to involve drive-able vehicles. 

Unannounced Project Irvine

Blizzard Entertainment is looking for a talented gameplay engineer to help create vehicles and build vehicle handling features in a robust first-person engine for an unannounced project. The ideal candidate has proven experience in vehicle handling, with exposure to other game systems like physics, animation, and cameras. They must have outstanding people skills and a longstanding passion for playing games across multiple genres and platforms.

The listing specifically cites an “unannounced project” so it seems unlikely that vehicle gameplay will be coming as a feature to Overwatch.  Unless, perhaps they are working on a sequel or expansion to the current version of the game.  Some fans across the internet are speculating at a Rock and Roll Racing reboot, which was a vehicular combat-based racing video game developed by Blizzard in 1993.

Time will tell if either of these are correct assumptions, or if we are getting a brand new IP.  Blizzard is known for keeping their cards close to their chests and not releasing information until they are 100% ready, so we could be waiting with baited breath for awhile.

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